NFTs are the basic building blocks of the open metaverse, which create permanent digital devices, which can interact and be present in several metaverses.
The Spheroid.Space NFTs form the basis of the XR Metaverse, which uses geographic coordinates to connect the digital and physical worlds.
But what if we could make this connection even more effective? How about if we could integrate additional information into the metaverse in addition to geographic coordinates? What if we digitized the 3D structure of the physical world and put it on a blockchain?
With the help of Spheroid Earth, we realize this possibility. With the help of artificial intelligence, we are now able to create a 3D map of the real world. Simply taking photos (no need for lidar or other expensive equipment), all you need is your smartphone in your pocket. Everyone in the Spheroid Universe community can potentially contribute to creating and expanding the most comprehensive 3D map of the real world.
Why is this so important, you may ask? The answer is simple: this open mapping system revolutionizes the Spheroid Universe AR Metaverse to a whole new level. Currently, when placing an AR item on Spheroid.Space for geolocation, the GPS accuracy is typically no better than 6 meters. However, the digitized Spheroid.Space system can reach an accuracy of up to 20 cm! This opens up completely new dimensions for AR experiences that were technically unimaginable before: for example, the precise placement of a digital graphic on a shop window or statue outdoors, the precise placement of AR content on an existing building, the geographic positioning of devices indoors over several floors. These are just a few examples that show the potential of this system, and so far there is no platform that can match it in creating a wide bridge between AR precision and the digital-physical world.
All this is not only about increasing the accuracy of AR and strengthening the connection between the physical and digital worlds, but also about creating new economic opportunities within the Spheroid Universe.

When we envision the future of AR, the image of an extended world enriched with contextualized 3D experiences appears before us. This new reality seamlessly merges the physical world with possibilities such as AR-augmented buildings, navigation systems, virtual avatars that convey information about products, services and locations, artworks that reshape the reality around us, AR- extended storefronts, amazing games and many more... But why do we still see so few real-world examples of these amazing applications?
The answer is simple: the accuracy of geolocation.
Critical for the widespread expansion of the AR world is the creation of a system that accurately determines the position of the observer in space.
None of the amazing AR applications can be limited to the GPS system alone. The accuracy of the GPS is suitable for outdoor use, but it no longer works properly indoors. That's why we created Spheroid.Earth, a system that uses the power of computer vision to precisely position you in space. This solution goes far beyond the limitations of GPS alone. Such a system makes it possible to create AR applications that we could only dream of before.
But how does it work? The Spheroid.Earth mapping system empowers any user with a smartphone (no Lidar required) to become a map maker; only five minutes of filming is required. Take the recording during the day with the XRhub application, select a building or landmark and walk around it slowly while keeping the camera in focus on the building. Don't go too close to him, keep moving and don't make sudden movements with the camera.

Let's dig a little deeper:
The 3D point cloud allows the creator to get an accurate visual reference of the actual 3D structure of the location they want to add to the AR experience.
Computer vision algorithms will then use the point cloud to localize the viewer of the AR visualization in space and provide them with a coherent experience.
However, it is not over yet; the basic data needed to create the maps is owned by the creator of the point cloud in the form of NFTs. The idea is to create a Web3-based, community-owned, continuously updated 3D map of the world's most important indoor and outdoor locations. But why is it so important to have this data? The 3D map is still being prepared, so there is no exact reference yet, but it might be worth looking at the example of Google Maps: their service can generate up to 1 billion active users per month. This shows how sought after and valuable such a data source can be in the digital world.
What if you owned some of this data? How about creating this data by contributing to the AR metaverse portal?
The goal of Spheroid.Earth is not to rebuild google maps, but to create the world's most extensive web3-based 3D map of important places in the world, indoor and outdoor places visited by people with smartphones instead of cars and satellites. These Spheroid.Earth point clouds are essential for AR; they are the gateway to the AR metaverse, and without them there is no way to reliably and coherently augment the physical world.
How can you benefit from the Spheroid.Earth system?

Try Spheroid.Earth in the XRhub app.
Download now! iOS and Also available on Android